A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, The Devil's Mile follows a trio of kidnappers who take an ill-advised detour en route to deliver their hostages - two teenage girls - to their mysterious and powerful employer. When they accidentally kill one of the girls during a botched escape attempt, their simmering mistrust explodes into shocking violence. But what they thought was their worst case scenario is only the beginning, as they are engulfed by the hellish forces that haunt the road - a road they realize they may never escape. Now captors and captive must fight together to escape the monstrous forces pursuing them and somehow survive... THE DEVIL'S MILE.
Description: A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, The Devil's Mile follows a trio of kidnappers who take an ill-advised detour en route to deliver ...
Cast (limited to 5): David Hayter / Casey Hudecki / Maria del Mar / Amanda Joy Lim / Adrienne Kress…
Cast as URL (default limited to 20): David Hayter / Casey Hudecki / Maria del Mar / Amanda Joy Lim / Adrienne Kress / Frank Moore / Shara Kim / Craig Porritt / Samantha Wan
Cast and Character (limited to 10): David Hayter as Toby McTeague / Casey Hudecki as Jacinta / Maria del Mar as Cally / Amanda Joy Lim as Kanako Kobayashi / Adrienne Kress as Cally's Girlfriend / Frank Moore as Mr. Arkadi / Shara Kim as Demon / Craig Porritt as The Caretaker / Samantha Wan as Suki Tsuburaya
Genres: / Action / Crime / Horror
Languages: English
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Opening Weekend: n/A
Plot (shortened to 150 chars): A relentlessly-paced hybrid of gritty crime thriller and Lovecraftian supernatural horror, The Devil's Mile follows a trio of kidnappers who take an…
Poster: posters/2018136.jpg
Seasons: n/A
Sound Mix: n/A
Tagline: Three Desperate Killers. Two Terrified Captives. One Wrong Turn. No Chance In Hell.
About the movie: After its victory over Leonidas' 300, the Persian Army under the command of Xerxes marches towards the major Greek city-states. The Democratic city of Athens, first on the path of Xerxes' army, bases its strength on its fleet, led by admiral Themistocles. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance with the traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose might lies with its superior infantry troops. But Xerxes still reigns supreme in numbers over sea and land.
About the movie: Mr. Peabody is a business titan, inventor, scientist, gourmand, two-time Olympic medalist and genius...who also happens to be a dog. Using his most ingenious invention, the WABAC machine, Mr. Peabody and his adopted boy Sherman hurtle back in time to experience world-changing events first-hand and interact with some of the greatest characters of all time. But when Sherman breaks the rules of time travel, our two heroes find themselves in a race to repair history and save the future, while Mr. Peabody may face his biggest challenge yet - being a parent.
About the movie: Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross country race with revenge in mind. His ex-partner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins.
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